Home / Episode / 6/10/2024 – It’s officially the start of Protect Week in the State of Maryland, which runs from today, June 10th through Sunday, June 17th.

6/10/2024 – It’s officially the start of Protect Week in the State of Maryland, which runs from today, June 10th through Sunday, June 17th.

Welcome to The Senior Zone, which aired Monday, June 10th.

It’s officially the start of Protect Week in the State of Maryland, which runs from today, June 10th through Sunday, June 17th.

During Protect Week, sponsored by AARP Maryland, Marylanders will have an opportunity to learn about the many forms of abuse, neglect and financial exploitation of older adults. Today’s show promises to be packed with scam-free, abuse-free and neglect-free information. So get your pen & pad ready; whether you live in the State of Maryland or not.

Our distinguished guests were:

(1) Orlene Grant, Founder, President & CEO, Juanita C. Grant Foundation to discuss the critical topic of preventing elder abuse and local programming.

(2) Leslie Smith-Ray, Client Customer Director with the Maryland Department of Aging. Our focus here will be on the impactful efforts surrounding World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) across the state of Maryland.

(3) Brooke Lierman, Comptroller for the State of Maryland. As a key figure in Maryland’s financial landscape, Ms. Lierman brings invaluable insights into the crucial topics of tax preparation, fraud detection, and safeguarding our finances.

(4) Ted Meyerson, Volunteer & Legislative Advocate at AARP Maryland, brings a wealth of knowledge and insights on how to stay safe in an evolving digital landscape.
